
  1. 2. Essential vitamins and minerals are in the type of food
  2. 4. You need 5 serves of this food group every day
  3. 5. Foods that are high in sugar,salt and fat
  4. 8. Main source of energy for the body
  5. 10. To get a balanced diet that provides all our nutritional needs we need to eat foods from ___ food groups
  6. 11. There are five of these groups
  7. 12. The body is made up of around 60-70% of this vital nutrient
  1. 1. There are seven of these groups
  2. 3. Food group majority of your serves should come from every day
  3. 6. Can improve digestive health
  4. 7. Needed for growth and repair within the body
  5. 8. Mineral that is good for your bones and teeth
  6. 9. Intake of essential nutrients considered to meet nutritional needs