
  1. 2. To determine one's healthy weight range.
  2. 5. Being over weight.
  3. 6. The way you see yourself and imagine your body.
  4. 8. A pattern in the way you eat.
  5. 9. Exercise that lasts a long time.
  6. 10. What is good for you.
  7. 12. Any physical activity.
  8. 13. A substance in food your body needs.
  1. 1. The proportion of fat compared to muscles, bones, organs.
  2. 3. Food energy = body energy.
  3. 4. A way to recover from exercise by reducing the amount of activity you do.
  4. 7. A point at where your heart rate reaches a certain point.
  5. 9. Exercise without oxygen that lasts a short time.
  6. 11. A way to measure the amount of energy.