
  1. 3. is essential to life but has no nutritional value
  2. 8. work with vitamins to regulate body processes
  3. 9. the body's most basic type of fuel
  4. 11. too little fluid in the tissues of the body
  5. 12. the desire for food
  6. 14. nothing by mouth
  7. 15. substances in food and fluids that the body uses to grow and repair itself
  8. 18. chemicals hat regulate body processes
  1. 1. supply us with glucose
  2. 2. nutrients transferred from the digestive tract to the bloodstream
  3. 4. loss of appetite
  4. 5. conversion of nutrients into energy in the cells
  5. 6. the intake of food
  6. 7. the amount of energy a food supplies
  7. 10. breaking down food into simple elements
  8. 13. the building blocks of the body's cells
  9. 16. too much fluid in the tissues of the body
  10. 17. provide energy