
  1. 4. This is the tough stringy part of vegetables, fruits, and grains. It is important because it helps remove waste from the digestive system.
  2. 6. The measure of how much energy in a certain food.
  3. 9. This is a type of protein that you should only have 15% or less each day it consists of anything sweet.
  4. 10. This is another type of fat that comes from animal sources and are solid and at room temperature.
  5. 13. This provides your body with energy.
  6. 14. The fourth type of fat that has hydrogen added to it make it more solid, and is partially hydrated oils found in deep fried foods.
  1. 1. What do we use in all its cells, organs, and tissues in the body to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions.
  2. 2. The nutrients to help regulate the cell.
  3. 3. The nutrients that help your body to grow and repair itself.
  4. 5. This is another type of Carbohydrate that you should receive 40%-50% of each day. Mostly found in any type of whole grain and some vegetables.
  5. 6. This helps build stronger bones and teeth.
  6. 7. The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and can be stored in your body.
  7. 8. What contains nine calories per gram and about twice the amount of energy in carbs or proteins, but also provides energy during sustained exercise.
  8. 11. The third type of fat that comes from plants such as corn, soybean, olives, and peanuts. Usually at room temperature and in liquid form.
  9. 12. The nutrients that we need to help build our red blood cells.