
  1. 2. Small, dark purple berries with a high concentration of antioxidants
  2. 4. An exceptionally large dose, as of a drug or vitamin
  3. 6. Herb that is popular for combating the symptoms of colds and flu
  4. 11. A drug, medicinal preparation, or similar substance obtained from a plant or plants
  5. 12. Alternative Medicine that involves palm and hands on healing
  6. 14. Bacteria that helps maintain a natural balance in the intestines and promotes a healthy digestive system
  7. 16. This general term describes a variety of techniques that use patterned breathing to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well being
  8. 17. An essential amino acid and one of the prime building blocks of protein
  9. 18. Alternative medicinal involving thin needles being placed in the skin
  10. 20. Involves training one's attention or awareness so that body and mind can be brought into greater focus
  1. 1. State of equilibrium of energy within the body
  2. 3. A nonprofit that sets standards and certifies supplements
  3. 5. Common citric fruit that interacts with many medications
  4. 7. Fruit often used to treat UTI's
  5. 8. To reinforce by adding material
  6. 9. the use of electronic monitoring of a normally automatic bodily function in order to train someone to acquire voluntary control
  7. 10. Alternative medicine that involves local suction on the skin
  8. 13. Alternative therapy that uses honey bee products
  9. 15. Key component of cartilage and often taken medicinally as a treatment for osteoarthritis
  10. 19. Also known as Vitamin H