Nutritional Concerns during Adulthood

  1. 2. age 19-59
  2. 3. elders don’t get enough because of immobility and bladder control
  3. 6. sharing meals with_will help healthy eating
  4. 8. helps maintain weight loss and muscle mass
  5. 13. caloric needs are lower for__
  6. 17. cholesterol what health concern can develop from saturated fat?
  7. 18. energy in = energy out
  8. 20. 2 diabetes what health concern can develop from sugar
  9. 21. prevent lean meat muscle mass loss
  10. 22. illness a disease that lasts a while and may get worse over time
  11. 23. needed to maintain bone strength and aid blood clotting
  12. 24. what health concern can develop from sodium?
  13. 25. half more than_of adults are living with chronic illness
  1. 1. age 60 and over
  2. 4. loss energy in < energy out
  3. 5. grains what grain subgroup is mostly being over consumed
  4. 7. lack of proper nutrition caused by not eating enough
  5. 9. d sun light, fatty fish(salmon), spinach
  6. 10. gain energy in > energy out
  7. 11. aids digestion and lowers cholesterol
  8. 12. supplemental nutrition assistance program
  9. 14. B12 supplements recommended but also found in protein and dairy
  10. 15. disease chronic illness caused from high cholesterol and saturated fat
  11. 16. aid fluid balance within body
  12. 19. limit one drink rarely