NyECC Acronyms

  1. 4. Wellness class focused on managing chronic illness (_hronic _isease _elf _anagement _ducation)
  2. 5. ____ Run (_ealthy _rganizations _eople and _nvironments)
  3. 6. Document that confirms NyECC received a grant (_otice _f _rant _ward)
  4. 7. A grant focused on substance misuse education and prevention(_pioid _ata 2 _ction)
  5. 9. Wellness class focused on managing diabetes (_iabetes _elf _anagement _ducation)
  6. 10. Form to be filled out before a purchase is made under most grants (_urchase _equisition)
  7. 12. (_ommunity _ealth _orker)
  8. 13. An agreement between NyECC and another organization (_emorandum _f _nderstanding)
  1. 1. AmeriCorps _____ (_olunteers _n _ervice _o _merica)
  2. 2. Document that confirms NyECC received a subaward (_otice _f _ub_ward)
  3. 3. Youth _____ (_ork _ducation _esponsibility _nowledge _kills)
  4. 6. Shortened version of our organizations name
  5. 8. Wellness class focused on diabetes prevention (_iabetes _revention _rogram)
  6. 11. A major event/organization that provides no cost medical care (_emote _rea _edical)