
  1. 3. try to get money(2 words expression)
  2. 5. take someone tothe court(4 words expression)
  3. 7. direct attention to (a problem or situation)
  4. 11. a journalist contributing regurlarly to a newspaper or magazine
  5. 12. major form of food energy found in items such potatoes, rice and flour
  6. 14. the clinical purification of blood , as a substitute for the normal function of the kidney
  1. 1. interest or attract someone
  2. 2. argue
  3. 4. outbreak of a disease which spreads quickly over an illimited area
  4. 6. doctor
  5. 8. make people believe the wrong thing
  6. 9. a disease in which the body's ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired resulting in elevated level of glucose in thr blood
  7. 10. eat(something)hurriedly and noisily
  8. 13. a commercial connexion made between a product and a film for example