
  1. 2. Food / Any food that is fast, easy; and more then likely sugary and or greasy
  2. 4. / A persons wellness or social being.
  3. 6. / The condition in which the pancreas does not secret insulin
  4. 9. / The surrounding factors in which one lives.
  5. 11. / a medical condition that in which the body has an excess of body fat.
  6. 12. Health / the science and art of preventing a disease.
  7. 13. Health / How a person takes care of them self including hi gene, and physical attributes.
  8. 14. / The process of maintaining healthy body weight and food intake.
  9. 15. / The bodies transformation of food we eat to sugars.
  1. 1. Health / A persons wellness mentally.
  2. 3. / To take an approximate count of a population.
  3. 5. / Being underfed; without nutrients.
  4. 7. / The bodies natural balance of calorie intake.
  5. 8. / Body mass index
  6. 10. Disorder / an eating problem that in unhealthy.