- 6. The component of the thalamus that retinal cells project to within the ventral stream.
- 7. Individuals with this type of agnosia can have basic shape information preserved, but have difficulty copying a line drawing.
- 8. Instead of examining the total amount of bold signal in a given region, this pattern of analysis looks at the pattern of bold activation considering all voxels in a given region.
- 9. A hypothetical neuron that represents a complex but specific concept or object.
- 10. A type of agnosia wherein individuals can form visual perceptions, but cannot link this with stored knowledge.
- 16. According to this theory, cells in initial areas of the visual cortex code elementary features and outputs from these cells are combined to form detectors sensitive to higher order features.
- 19. A type of object constancy wherein we perceive objects that may have very different impacts on our retina as having the same size.
- 22. The ability of people who are cortically blind due to lesions in their primary cortex to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see.
- 23. An inability to explicitly recognize the faces of familiar people.
- 27. The most anterior region of the ventral stream.
- 29. Posterior regions of the ventral stream are more likely to response to (simpler or complex) stimuli.
- 30. Visual agnosia’s are ___ as there is preserved identification of objects in other modalities.
- 1. V2, V3, V4, and V5 are components of the ___.
- 2. Our ability to recognize an object in countless situations.
- 3. Ventral stream retinal ganglion cells.
- 4. A pattern of analysis that can be applied to look for evidence of ensemble coding. Here, you'd expect that objects that share some of the same visual properties elicit more similar patterns of activation.
- 5. A type of agnosia wherein individuals have difficulty forming visual perceptions.
- 11. An inability to recognize objects in the visual modality that cannot be explained by other causes.
- 12. According to this theory, stimulus recognition is based on functional connectivity or the collective activation of many neurons
- 13. According to this theory, a small but specific group of cells responds to the presence of a given object.
- 14. A partial loss of vision affecting a quarter of the visual field.
- 15. Individuals with apperceptive agnosia are thought to have damage to the (earlier / later) in the ventral visual pathway
- 17. Loss of conscious perception for information from all or part of visual field.
- 18. Posterior pole of the occipital lobe where area v1 would be located.
- 20. An inability to explicitly recognize words.
- 21. Visual area 1 is also called the ___.
- 24. Patient DF had damage to her ___ pathway. This made her incapable of completing the explicit matching task, but she had no trouble with the action task.
- 25. This visual area is not recruited by the ventral stream.
- 26. Anterior regions of the ventral stream are more likely to have a (longer / shorter) latency of response.
- 28. Anterior regions of the ventral stream are more likely to have a (larger / smaller) field of view.