Objective Three - Emergency Communications Technology

  1. 3. DOJ believes training should be __for all personnel who may have contact with individuals from the public who have hearing or speech disabilities.
  2. 6. _radios operate on fixed channels and each user group is permanently assigned a fixed frequency or a set of frequencies.
  3. 11. The ability for multiple agencies to converse with one another using common radio frequencies is:
  4. 13. This may be the only unambiguous way to describe locations when the end-user is operating either in an area impacted by a natural disaster where road signs have been destroyed.
  5. 14. A system that allows you to view and manipulate Unit status and location as well as store and receive data.
  6. 16. The ____sets limits for radio output power, antenna height, and frequency usage.
  7. 20. ADA, which became effective in __assumes civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities.(2)
  8. 21. ANI (or "pseudo-ANI") is a unique number assigned to each individual 911 call, assigned at a mobile switching center for what type of calls
  9. 22. Both logging and recall recorders be synchronized with what clock
  10. 23. The department that ___oversees and mandates that PSAPs should require or offer a refresher training at least as often as they require or offer training for voice calls, but at a minimum, every six months.
  11. 24. A radio system utilizes a computer that selects the channel and monitors the repeater before transmitting
  12. 25. PSAPs must provide direct and _to emergency communications services for people who use TTYs.
  1. 1. An apparatus for transmitting radio or television signals.
  2. 2. The location of the caller or handset can be determined by AOA (Angle of arrival) or
  3. 4. Phase 2 relates to __wireless or mobile telephone devices.
  4. 5. A person with hearing loss can speak directly to the call taker and read the response that is typed back. This is a technology called.
  5. 7. In captioned telephone systems speech recognition technology automatically transcribes the CA’s voice into__
  6. 8. The first 9-1-1 system to go live
  7. 9. You can dial 711 to connect to certain forms of TRS anywhere in the___.(2)
  8. 10. When using a standard TTY, to indicate you are are finished with your statement or question you should type the letters.
  9. 12. a methodology of transmitting and receiving radio communications via Internet Protocol (IP)
  10. 15. Computers with TTY modems generally operate in an electronic “language.”
  11. 17. Public safety answering point is a communications facility that is operated
  12. 18. A phone system allowing both the caller and the call taker to hear and talk at the same time.
  13. 19. A device for converting signals into audio or visual form such as a device.