Objects in Our Solar System

  1. 2. The dark, smooth "seas" on the surface of the moon
  2. 6. Another name for the inner planets, meaning "Earth-like"
  3. 10. Rocky or metallic objects of irregular shape
  4. 11. This planet rotates on an axis sideways to other planets
  5. 12. Largest Dwarf planet in the solar system
  6. 14. This planets has the densest atmosphere abundant in carbon dioxide
  7. 17. Kuiper belt dwarf that was once classified as a planet
  8. 18. Dusty snowball
  1. 1. This planet has a potato-shaped moon in between its rings
  2. 3. Pieces of space material impact with Earth
  3. 4. This planet has longer days than years.
  4. 5. This is the densest planet in the solar system
  5. 7. Earth's natural satellite
  6. 8. This planet is home to the largest volcano in the solar system
  7. 9. The largest object in the asteroid belt
  8. 13. This planet has the strongest winds
  9. 15. This planet has the fastest rotation
  10. 16. Another name for the outer planets, meaning "Jupiter-like"