Obsessed Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder stands for
  2. 6. a feeling of worry
  3. 7. Allison's grade
  4. 8. People called Allison what?
  5. 11. Allison's best friend
  6. 12. Allison's last name
  7. 13. the main character
  8. 14. bullied Allison
  9. 16. Allison's age
  10. 17. drivers ed student with Allison
  11. 18. Who tries to get Allison to take medication?
  12. 19. the exam Allison has to fail
  1. 2. Allison's sport
  2. 3. where does Allison live
  3. 4. Who was Allison closest to?
  4. 5. Allison's psychiatrist
  5. 9. Allison's crush
  6. 10. a person who has been rejected by society or a social group
  7. 15. Allison wakes from a nightmare and thinks she has what?
  8. 17. Allison controller was called what?