Obstetric Acronyms

  1. 2. normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
  2. 4. glucose tolerance test
  3. 5. sterile vaginal exam
  4. 6. last menstrual period
  5. 10. gestational diabetes mellitus
  6. 11. preterm labor
  7. 13. therapeutic abortion
  8. 14. advanced maternal age
  9. 16. spontaneous abortion
  10. 18. fetal heart rate
  11. 20. pregnancy induced hypertension
  12. 21. intrauterine growth restriction
  13. 22. external fetal monitor
  14. 24. premature rupture of membranes
  15. 25. contraction stress test
  16. 26. biophysical profile
  17. 27. vaginal birth after cesarean section
  18. 30. small for gestational age
  19. 31. rupture of membranes
  1. 1. intrauterine fetal demise
  2. 2. nonstress test
  3. 3. hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets
  4. 4. gravida, term, preterm, abortions, living
  5. 5. spontaneous rupture of membranes
  6. 7. large for gestational age
  7. 8. group B strep
  8. 9. elective abortion
  9. 12. total abdominal hysterectomy
  10. 13. total vaginal hysterectomy
  11. 15. preterm premature rupture of membranes
  12. 17. artificial rupture of membranes
  13. 19. rule out labor
  14. 23. fetal heart tones
  15. 25. cephalopelvic disproportion
  16. 26. baby up for adoption
  17. 28. bulging bag of water
  18. 29. cesarean section