Obstetric Care

  1. 4. 3rd Stage
  2. 6. Junior seizures
  3. 9. Higher cognitive thinking
  4. 12. Releases glucagon in the pancreas
  5. 13. Brown Adipose Tissue
  6. 15. 36.5 - 37.5 degrees - neonate
  7. 20. Swollen cervix in labour
  8. 21. 1/4000 UK pregnancies
  9. 23. Cord presentation
  10. 25. Pressure in ventricles with heart at rest
  11. 26. Complex continuum
  12. 30. HELLP Syndrome
  13. 31. Requires strong uterine activity for long rotation
  1. 1. Neonatal passive immunity
  2. 2. PCR protein
  3. 3. pancreatic islets
  4. 5. Hypothermic hypotension
  5. 7. Breast milk carbohydrate
  6. 8. Glycogen -> Glucose
  7. 10. VBAC risk
  8. 11. Shoulder Dystocia
  9. 12. Epilepsy treatment
  10. 14. PPH
  11. 16. Magnesium Sulphate
  12. 17. Anterior fontanelle
  13. 18. To reduce blood pressure
  14. 19. Hypoxia causes...
  15. 22. Sodium valproate risk
  16. 24. PND diagnostic tool
  17. 27. Type 2 Diabetes
  18. 28. Meta Analysis
  19. 29. Haem