Ocean Currents

  1. 2. a current caused by the rising of heated fluid and sinking of cooled fluid
  2. 3. near the equator
  3. 4. currents horizontal ocean currents on the top of the water that are driven by wind
  4. 5. the deflection of an object's path due to the rotation of Earth
  5. 7. a constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity
  6. 8. the upward movement of ocean water toward the surface
  7. 10. Currents that are caused by the differences in the density of ocean water. These currents move and mix water around the world.
  1. 1. Movement of ocean water caused by density difference brought about by variations in temperature and salinity. As ocean water freezes at the poles it concentrates salt, and the colder, denser water sinks.
  2. 6. process in which chemicals are converted into energy
  3. 9. mass/volume; the degree of compactness of an object