Ocean Currents Ryker Rowett RMMS

  1. 5. 1 of the 2 Regions
  2. 7. The oceans contain streamlike movements of water (2 words)
  3. 8. Takes more than 1,000 years to return to its starting point
  4. 10. Movement of ocean water far below the surface (2 words)
  5. 14. winds that occur in belts that go all around the planet (2 words)
  6. 15. The dissolved salt content of a body of water
  7. 17. Chemical element that starts with H
  8. 19. Movement of water that results from density differences (2 words)
  9. 20. the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator
  1. 1. Ocean currents that occur at or near the surface of the ocean caused by wind (2 words)
  2. 2. When surface currents meet continents the currents are deflected and change direction (2 words)
  3. 3. A warm ocean current of the northern Atlantic Ocean off eastern North America (2 words)
  4. 4. the star around which the earth orbits
  5. 6. The action of rotating around an axis or center
  6. 9. The capacity or power to do work
  7. 11. The warm surface water is replaced by cold nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean
  8. 12. The perceptible natural movement of the air especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction
  9. 13. The deflection of moving objects from a straight path due to earths rotation (2 words)
  10. 16. Chemical element that starts with O
  11. 18. The number of things which could be people animals plants or objects in a certain area