Oceanography Unit #4: Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. when one part of the lithosphere goes under another plate
  2. 4. an enormous wave produced by seismic activity
  3. 5. a process by which new rock is added to the ocean floor along the boundary between diverging plates
  4. 7. a major advance in floor mapping that uses sound waves
  5. 11. the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago
  6. 13. rocks and crust that are produced at the MidAtlantic Ridge
  7. 15. tiny algae and animals that float in the ocean the water and are carried currents
  8. 18. scientist who theorized continental drift
  9. 19. a steep sided canyon in the ocean floor
  10. 21. the rocky surface layer of the Earth
  11. 23. organisms that inhabit the ocean floor
  12. 24. Earth's molten inner most layer
  13. 25. the way the continents fit together - like a...
  14. 27. gently sloping, shallow area of the ocean floor that extends outward from the edge of a continent
  1. 1. smooth nearly flat region of the ocean floor
  2. 3. Boundary type where two plates ram at each other
  3. 6. hot liquid-solid form of the Earth's inner core
  4. 8. the one-world ocean that existed millions of years ago
  5. 9. Earth's plate moving away in opposite directions
  6. 10. a type of underwater vehicle used for exploration and to take samples from very deep places
  7. 12. Squid these animals dive between 90 - 300 meters
  8. 14. the point in the mantle where an earthquake begins
  9. 16. the layer of the Earth right under the crust
  10. 17. the most dense type of crust under sea water
  11. 20. what flows through a food web or food chain
  12. 22. all the feeding relationships in an ecosystem
  13. 26. study of the features and measurement of the seafloor