- 1. Halloween is an abbreviation of the term for this date in the Christian Calendar.
- 4. On Halloween you will receive Good Luck when you encounter this creature.
- 8. Author who wrote the mystery novel “Halloween Party”
- 9. City of the UK British isles which hosts the largest Halloween party in the world.
- 10. Traditional name for broomstick.
- 11. Traditional Scottish name for Halloween which is derived from Celtic God Samana.
- 14. Traditional name for a pumpkin with a face carved onto it and illuminated by a candle.
- 16. Fear of Halloween
- 17. Midnight is also referred to as.
- 18. Famous ghost of Great Windsor Park who is most often seen riding through the grounds on Halloween.
- 20. Cakes baked on Halloween
- 22. Three Witches from Shakespeare’s Macbeth were known as.
- 24. Fictional character or being meant to scare children.
- 2. The film Hocus Pocus was originally given this title.
- 3. In the Christian Calendar this day follows Halloween.
- 5. Title given to a witch’s cat or toad.
- 6. Amercian magician and stuntman died on Halloween in 1926.
- 7. If a black cat crosses your path on Halloween you will encounter.
- 12. Traditionally you would bob for this fruit on Halloween.
- 13. Halloween 2020 will have this lunar phase.
- 15. What do Pumpkins grow on, clue - it is not a stalk, tree or bush.
- 17. On Halloween night children go round door to door knocking and saying this.
- 19. Vegetable traditionally carved before pumpkins to make Jack O Lantern.
- 21. Country which celebrates the Day of the Dead.
- 23. Old English word meaning Saint.