October edition crossword

  1. 3. The feeling of curiosity or eagerness to learn more
  2. 6. Someone who gathers and shares information, often in the form of books or articles
  3. 8. A wise person or someone considered knowledgeable
  4. 10. Someone who writes books
  5. 13. A famous fable writer known for animal tales
  6. 14. The act of interpreting text on a page
  7. 15. The central idea or message in a piece of writing
  1. 1. Stories of imaginary events and characters, usually in books
  2. 2. An alphabetical list of terms or words and their definitions
  3. 4. Books with information on a wide range of topics
  4. 5. Short, wise sayings
  5. 7. The process of acquiring knowledge through study or experience
  6. 9. A collection of written works, often organized by theme or author
  7. 11. The act of revisiting or looking at something again for clarity
  8. 12. Books, magazines, newspapers, and other types of reading material