- 3. Anagram of #11A (2 Words)
- 4. The Inspiration Behind Homers Invention (Contains Numbers)
- 7. Result of "aledged" failed rocket launch
- 8. True cause of the boys unlawful arrest
- 11. The movies original name (2 words)
- 13. Homer builds this.
- 14. Location of the National Science fair
- 15. First name of Homer's geeky math friend.
- 1. The movie takes place in this West Virginian town.
- 2. Biggest supporter of the boys who is diagnosed with Lymphoma
- 4. Happens by the mining union making Homer's dad furious
- 5. Movies Publish Year
- 6. Homer's dads profession
- 9. This event followed #7A
- 10. Roylee's Abusive Stepfather
- 12. This Movie is based off a ____