Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease

  1. 1. Is there a cure for Sarcoidosis?
  2. 7. This is one of the most common symptoms of people with Sickle Cell Disease
  3. 8. This disease is the leading cause of blindness in people under that age of 65 in North America
  4. 11. This is what becomes inflamed in people with Giant Cell Arteritis
  5. 12. This type of stroke occurs from a clot/blockage to one of the arteries in the brain
  6. 14. Multiple Sclerosis has the highest incidence in this country
  7. 15. This percent of people will develop ocular complications from HIV
  8. 16. This is the class of medication given to people with Giant Cell Arteritis to reduce inflammation
  9. 17. This optic nerve condition can occur from Pseudotomor Cerebri
  10. 19. Sarcoidosis is an overractivity of this system
  11. 20. This is the most common refractive status of people with Down's Syndrome
  12. 21. These are unusually long in people with Marfan Syndrom (plural)
  13. 22. This symptom often accompanies the ocular symptoms with Pseudotumor Cerebri
  14. 27. This is a general term used to describe a diseased retina. It can occur from diabetes, HIV, hypertension and sickle cell disease.
  15. 29. This gender is affected more commonly in Giant Cell Arteritis
  16. 30. This inflammatory condition to the sclera can occur with Rheumatoid arthritis
  17. 31. The most common "type" of chromosomal defect in Down's Syndrome causes ______ 21
  18. 32. If the blood cells clot in people with Sickle Cell Disease this very serious condition can occur
  19. 33. Women with Marfan Syndrome have _____ percent change of passing it on to their offspring
  1. 2. This is one of the most common risk factors in developing Pseudotumor Cerebri
  2. 3. The best way to prevent damage to the eye from diabetes is to control one's blood ______ levels.
  3. 4. The retinal hemorrhages in hypertensive retinopathy typically take on this shape
  4. 5. This is the most common ocular complication in Multiple Sclerosis
  5. 6. Individuals who have had a stroke are prone to this type of visual field defect
  6. 9. This the the name of the inflammatory cells in Sarcoidosis
  7. 10. This type of sarcoma cancer affects some people with HIV
  8. 13. This virus can cause inflammation to the retina in people with have HIV
  9. 18. This organ is responsible for producing insulin
  10. 23. The lens can do this in people with Marfan Syndrome
  11. 24. Cotton wool spots in the retina are a result of a lack of _____ to the retina
  12. 25. One in every ______ people with Down's Syndrome also suffer from keratoconus
  13. 26. One of out ____ people with a stroke will suffer from some sort of visual disturbance
  14. 28. The red blood cells in people with Sickle Cell Disease are shaped like this