Oedipus 1

  1. 2. Common name for the Greek god of light, sun, and prophecy
  2. 4. Tiresias does not have physical ____ despite his prophetic abilities.
  3. 7. Oedipus· brother-in-law
  4. 11. Oedipus fears that __ wants to overthrow him.
  5. 14. The city where Oedipus Rex takes place
  6. 15. The group of actors who comment on the play
  7. 16. ___ is a prophet of Apollo.
  8. 19. Oedipus' uncle
  9. 21. There is ____ irony because the
  10. 23. Creon believes that a band of ____ killed the form.er king
  11. 24. The Chorus tries to ____ the play's action.
  12. 25. The creature that Oedipus defeated in order to rule Thebes.
  1. 1. A potential punishment for Laius' murderer.
  2. 3. Oedipus demands ____ of Tiresias' prophetic abilities because he does not believe Tiresias.
  3. 5. An absolute ruler, to the Greeks
  4. 6. A ___ is ravaging the city when the play begins
  5. 8. Tiresias _____ to answer Oedipus at first.
  6. 9. To cure the plague, Oedipus must find the ____ of Laius
  7. 10. The king of the gods
  8. 12. ____ cited Oedipus Rex as the perfect trage-dy.
  9. 13. The author of Oedipus Rex
  10. 17. Oedipus is adept at solving _____
  11. 18. knows Oedipus' history and he does not
  12. 20. The name of Thebes' king before Oedipus
  13. 22. Greek goddess of wisdom and war