
  1. 5. supply
  2. 7. crisis
  3. 8. save
  4. 9. a rise
  5. 12. growth
  6. 13. income
  7. 15. demand
  8. 17. to increase something
  9. 18. a fall
  10. 19. debt
  11. 21. to grow to increase by it self
  12. 22. to decrease to fall
  1. 1. value
  2. 2. to reduce something
  3. 3. income
  4. 4. cut backs
  5. 6. GNP
  6. 10. an investment
  7. 11. VAT
  8. 14. consumption
  9. 15. property tax
  10. 16. tax on companies
  11. 20. interest