Of Mice and Man Historical context: America in the 1920s/30s

  1. 2. "The best laid.............. of Mice and men
  2. 6. hard work and ...................... will guarantee the American Dream
  3. 7. Black.................- when the stock markets crashed
  4. 8. A successful novel published in 1937
  5. 10. The................ valley - where Steinbeck
  6. 11. The novel of Mice and Men suggests that the American dream is not always......................
  7. 12. many people during this era became...............
  1. 1. men often had to find work on
  2. 2. These made farming very difficult
  3. 3. The economic hub in the USA
  4. 4. men who travelled for work
  5. 5. men often had to leave their...................to find work
  6. 6. The Great ...........................
  7. 7. name for the desert-like farming areas
  8. 9. This was known as "The Golden State"