Of Mice and Men

  1. 2. What kind of animal did Candy have as a pet?
  2. 5. What does George tell Lennie to not do when they first get to their new job?
  3. 7. Who killed Curley's wife?
  4. 10. What was the place that Lennie and George used to work at called?
  5. 11. Who provided Lennie with mice?
  6. 14. What kind of animal does Lennie always talk about?
  7. 15. Who is the boss's son?
  8. 16. What did they compare Lennie to when he broke Curley's arm?
  9. 17. Who gave Lennie his pup?
  10. 18. What name did George call Curley's wife?
  1. 1. Did Curley's wife love Curley? yes/no
  2. 3. Who killed Lennie?
  3. 4. Where did Lennie want to live if George didn't want him?
  4. 6. What does Lennie like to put on his beans?
  5. 8. What kind of animal did Crooks take care of?
  6. 9. Where did George tell Lennie to go if things get bad?
  7. 11. What did Curley's wife dream to be?
  8. 12. What is George and Lennie's dream to get someday?
  9. 13. What kind of guys did Curley dislike?