Of Mice and Men

  1. 3. What body part is Candy missing?
  2. 4. What does George want to own?
  3. 7. Who has a Crocker back
  4. 8. Lennie has this in his pocket.
  5. 11. Slim's Job
  6. 12. The animal Lennie is often described as
  7. 14. He joins George and Lennie in their dream.
  8. 15. where does Curley's wife die?
  9. 17. Both Lenny and Candy's dog get ___
  10. 18. A word used to describe Curley's Wife.
  11. 19. Name of Carlson's gun
  1. 1. Every character has it and gives up on it.
  2. 2. Lennie is told to hide in the ____
  3. 5. Curley's wife want to be a ____
  4. 6. This affects everyone on the ranch?
  5. 9. The kind of feathers in Curley's wife's shoes.
  6. 10. Lennie's last name
  7. 13. What animal does Lennie dream of having?
  8. 14. Who shoots Candy's dog?
  9. 16. What does Lennie want on his beans?