Of Mice and Men

  1. 2. How does George kill Lennie?
  2. 3. George and Lennie share a __
  3. 6. the "prince of the ranch"
  4. 8. George and Lennie dream to own a ____
  5. 9. ___ takes care of Lennie
  6. 10. Who joins their dream?
  7. 13. Stable-hand with a crooked back
  8. 14. The son of the ranch owner
  9. 16. Who owns the Ranch?
  10. 17. Lennie killed ___
  11. 18. Main theme of “Of Mice and Men”
  1. 1. Lennie's Aunt
  2. 3. Candy's Pet
  3. 4. George and Lennie's job
  4. 5. The old handyman
  5. 6. Lennie's last name
  6. 7. George's last name
  7. 11. What does Lennie kill at the start of the book
  8. 12. When did the book take place?
  9. 14. Who killed Candy's dog?
  10. 15. Author of "Of Mice and Men"
  11. 19. Lennie's pet