
  1. 1. I tell Tiffany to meet me in____
  2. 3. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their ______
  3. 5. Who catches me as I'm taking it down?
  4. 9. Do i go for the vault?
  5. 10. I don't show up and go to ____
  6. 11. by the _____
  7. 13. Thirty years later I get a _____
  1. 2. What is my perfect crime?
  2. 4. Thats where i stash the________
  3. 6. ____been waiting for me all these years.____ never taken another lover
  4. 7. I have a son and he’s the cheif of______
  5. 8. How do I feel about that?
  6. 12. tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to______