
  1. 4. you can use it for telephone conferences
  2. 5. you can highlight things on paper
  3. 7. this is used for planning appointments and dates
  4. 8. it is a device that saves the data
  5. 10. you can write or type with it on the computer
  6. 11. you cut the paper to size
  7. 14. its a machine that makes copies of documents
  8. 15. you can make holes in the papers to file them
  9. 16. you can put papers together with this
  1. 1. you can put your documents into this
  2. 2. it is device which you need to communicate with people
  3. 3. you can combine and add or subtract
  4. 6. a place you sit at in the office
  5. 8. you can sit on it
  6. 9. one uses these to write with
  7. 12. on this device I can see what I am working on
  8. 13. I put it on the document with my signature