- 2. Jim's love interest.
- 5. Ryan's position, often mistaken for an intern.
- 6. Pam's fiancé.
- 7. Dwight's stapler was put in this.
- 8. Michael's often misused phrase, 'That's what X.'
- 10. Salesman known for his pranks.
- 11. Last name of the employee who started a fire in a later episode.
- 12. The city where Dunder Mifflin's branch is located.
- 1. The type of 'olympics' held in the office.
- 2. The company's industry.
- 3. The 'World's Best Boss' mug owner
- 4. First name of the accountant with a cat.
- 5. The branch's HR representative.
- 6. Pam's job title.
- 9. Michael's joke, 'You've been X.'