
  1. 5. a network based software package that groups and entire patient history into one easy to access file
  2. 7. is a collection of fields or a single row in a table, all the details for one patient
  3. 8. Able to move around easily
  4. 9. Is a unique identifier such as a patient number
  5. 10. a collection of data and information on a certain individual in a hopital
  6. 11. are used to store the patients’ details in multiple tables
  1. 1. is a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic feature phones
  2. 2. Makes it user-friendly and easy for doctors and nurses to enter information
  3. 3. is a popular type of network cable used for high-speed networking between two devices
  4. 4. a device which controls access to separately stored files, as part of a multi-user system.
  5. 6. is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly
  6. 12. is a collection of data on computer: a systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated