Oil types

  1. 6. Lubricates metals, prevents rust
  2. 7. Plastic foam is made from oil
  3. 8. Heavy plastic used to make plumbing pipes
  4. 10. Moisturizes shoe leather
  5. 11. Heavy, used on chapped lips
  6. 12. lubricates bicycle chains
  1. 1. lubricates engines, from crude oil
  2. 2. Many types and uses, made from oil
  3. 3. Used on baby skin, but not a good idea
  4. 4. Used to make cheap clothing, from oil
  5. 5. Lubricates chain saws, string trimmers
  6. 8. cleaner, from Pine trees
  7. 9. Canadian vegetable oil
  8. 11. Used for frying, esp some Thai dishes