Oisin in Tin na nOg Part One

  1. 2. A figure of speech comparing 2 things using like or as
  2. 5. Relaxing/sitting in a lazy way
  3. 6. A heated argument/disagreement
  4. 7. A small, narrow river
  5. 9. To hover above the ground
  6. 11. A horses movement with high, springy steps.
  1. 1. A quick nervous movement as a reaction to surprise or fear.
  2. 2. To surprise
  3. 3. A simile to describe someone who is very brave (just the animal part!)
  4. 4. A feeling of terror
  5. 7. A person you do not know
  6. 8. The fastest pace (speed) of a horse
  7. 10. To look at something either a lot of focus.