Old and New Stone Age

  1. 3. to ways used to get food.
  2. 6. training animals to be pets or assist in hunting.
  3. 11. retrieving nuts and berries from near by bushes and trees for food.
  4. 13. 2,000,000 years ago in Tanzania.
  5. 14. can be used to cut wood or hunt animals.
  6. 15. 12,000BC to 4,000BC.
  7. 16. poeple bean to settle and build homes near________land.
  1. 1. without spoken language humans drew to communicate.
  2. 2. used for warmth, cooking, and light.
  3. 4. where did people in catal huyuk put ther doors.
  4. 5. first city on Earth.
  5. 7. provides great context for historians about what people did in the__________________.
  6. 8. primitive___________and farming tools
  7. 9. people settled to start farming.
  8. 10. which materials did they use to build homes in catal huyuk.
  9. 12. usin weapons to kill animals for food