New Testament

  1. 1. Commends Gaius for his hospitality and condemns Diotrephes for his pride.
  2. 5. Encourages the Thessalonian believers in their faith and addresses questions about Christ's return.
  3. 6. Paul's letter expressing joy and gratitude to the Philippians for their partnership in the gospel.
  4. 7. Provides instructions for church leadership and godly living.
  5. 8. Offers guidance to Titus in his leadership role in the church.
  6. 11. Expounds on the unity of believers in Christ and practical Christian living.
  7. 12. Exalts Christ's supremacy and addresses false teachings.
  8. 13. Offers a concise account of Jesus' ministry, emphasizing His actions more than His teachings.
  9. 14. Expounds on the superiority of Christ and His sacrifice, urging believers to persevere in faith.
  10. 15. Focuses on the love of God and the importance of love among believers.
  11. 18. Encourages Timothy in his ministry and warns against false teachings and worldly desires.
  12. 19. Follow-up letter to the Thessalonians, addressing further questions about Christ's return.
  13. 23. Contains apocalyptic visions revealing the final victory of Christ and the ultimate defeat of evil.
  14. 24. Follow-up letter to the Corinthians, expressing Paul's joy at their response to his previous letter.
  15. 25. Warns against false teachers and exhorts believers to contend for the faith.
  1. 2. Emphasizes practical faith and righteous living.
  2. 3. Urges believers to walk in truth and love, warning against deceivers.
  3. 4. Emphasizes justification by faith and freedom from the Law.
  4. 5. Addresses various issues in the Corinthian church and provides guidance on Christian living.
  5. 9. Warns against false teachers and emphasizes the certainty of Christ's return.
  6. 10. Paul's personal letter to Philemon, urging him to forgive his runaway slave Onesimus.
  7. 15. Encourages suffering Christians with the hope of future glory.
  8. 16. Offers a theological reflection on the life and identity of Jesus as the Son of God.
  9. 17. Chronicles the early church's growth and the apostles' missionary work after Jesus' ascension.
  10. 20. Provides a detailed narrative of Jesus' life, emphasizing His compassion and parables.
  11. 21. Presents Jesus as the Messiah and focuses on His teachings and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
  12. 22. Paul's letter explaining the gospel and its implications for both Jews and Gentiles.