Olympic By Princess

  1. 3. The boxing was included from which year in the history of Olympic Games?
  2. 5. The year in which basketball entered as an Olympic game is
  3. 6. The Olympics from which India started to compete as a participant country is
  4. 7. first ever winter Olympics was conducted on the year of ____?
  5. 9. As per records the first Olympics is traditionally dated on
  6. 12. the country which has won maximum gold medals in the winter Para Olympics games on 2002.
  7. 14. As a symbol of spreading peace, which bird is set free during the inaugural ceremony of Olympic Games?
  8. 15. the boxing class in which Morgan gave his first gold medal to New Zealand is
  9. 19. united states Name the champion country in their debut match of Softball at the Atlanta Olympics
  10. 20. Ewry _____ is the Olympian who won 3 gold medals in a single day.
  11. 21. In 1972 Munich Olympics, US has won six medals of which how many were gold?
  12. 23. The country won the majority of gold medals in table tennis, that is, 20 out of 24 is
  13. 24. Which medal was bagged by USA for Basketball at 2004 Olympics?
  1. 1. The year in which basketball entered as an Olympic game is
  2. 2. The year in which Olympic games was conducted in Vancouver is
  3. 4. badminton was declared as an event from which Olympics?
  4. 7. From which Olympics onwards Polo was excluded from games?
  5. 8. petterson The boxer also called ‘The Gentleman of Boxing’ is
  6. 10. First World War cancelled one Olympics which was planned to be held at _____ in 1916.
  7. 11. The time span given for a weightlifter to lift and hold the weight is
  8. 13. Name the city in China where 2008 summer Olympics took place.
  9. 16. Which colour is used for depicting peace as a background colour in the Olympic Symbol?
  10. 17. which sport was included in the 1988 summer Olympic after a 64 year break?
  11. 18. the inception of Olympics was from which country?
  12. 22. Lepou The first African to win Olympic Marathon was