Olympic Games (Úrsula and Gabriela)

  1. 4. Origin of this games
  2. 5. Tipe of games
  3. 6. Person to which the Olympic Games were dedicated
  4. 9. Where they light the torch with an arch
  5. 12. Ancient greek soldiers
  6. 14. Place in South america where the olympic Games took part
  7. 15. of olive leaves Price of winning the Olympic Games
  1. 1. Thing that you throw in one of the sports
  2. 2. and Gabriela creators of this crossword
  3. 3. act that starts the games
  4. 7. Where olimpic games take part in greece
  5. 8. competitive sports
  6. 10. Olympus the highest mont in greece
  7. 11. Rings Circles of every color
  8. 13. Werent alowed to see the olimpics