
  1. 1. The Olympic Games are held every __ years.
  2. 6. Only country in the world to host the Summer Olympics four times.
  3. 8. Second place.
  4. 10. First place.
  5. 11. The Olympic Flag has how many rings?
  6. 13. Where the first modern Olympic games were held.
  7. 14. There are 33 __ in the Olympics.
  1. 2. In the ancient Olympics, winners were given an __ wreath instead of medals.
  2. 3. Oldest Olympic sport in the world.
  3. 4. First official mascot for the Olympics.
  4. 5. The most decorated Olympian.
  5. 7. The Olympics feature summer and __ sports.
  6. 9. The ancient Olympics were held to honor __.
  7. 12. Third place.
  8. 15. Where this year's Summer Olympic Games are being held.