
  1. 3. this is the host city of the olympics 2021
  2. 4. it happened in tokyo this year
  3. 6. this sport is done in water but it is not used with a canoe
  4. 7. horses dance in this
  5. 10. this boat is used in rowing
  6. 11. A sport that involves an animal.
  7. 12. this the country that hosted the olympics
  8. 13. horses do this sometimes in the cross country
  1. 1. most people watching the olympics will be feeling this.
  2. 2. this is the only animal in the olympics
  3. 5. horses jump over jumps but it is not cross country
  4. 8. what is the three main disaplines called altogether in horse riding
  5. 9. lisa carrington won three gold medals in this sport