
  1. 1. if you play sports you are usually ________
  2. 3. 3rd place
  3. 5. You and other people state on ice and try to make goals
  4. 7. if you are in this sport you use beam and volt
  5. 8. the sign that represents the Olympics
  6. 10. you lift heavy objects
  7. 14. the person who wins events
  8. 17. You jump off a board into the water
  9. 18. you hit the ball into the net and get a point for you team
  10. 20. Find your way through this place
  11. 21. You hit the ball in a tiny hole
  12. 23. Teams will _______ against other teams.
  13. 24. You get a _______ after you kick the ball in the net
  14. 26. The object is to pin your opponent
  1. 1. a sport where you aim for a target
  2. 2. a sport divided by a net
  3. 4. You are after you win first place out of everybody
  4. 6. Something you do after begging a race
  5. 9. use your arms and legs to get through water
  6. 11. Sport where you run
  7. 12. You and your opponent punch each other in a ring
  8. 13. Something to jump over for track
  9. 15. Sport where you use a racket and net
  10. 16. There is so many people in the _____ St the track meet
  11. 18. The number of points earned
  12. 19. The people you work with
  13. 22. rewards for the Olympics
  14. 25. you get when you get second place
  15. 27. you get when you win first place