
  1. 1. What's the title of this crossword
  2. 3. Which shortened city name will hold the OL in 2028?
  3. 5. Which game contains riding, fencing, shooting, running and swimming
  4. 6. How many rings does the logo have?
  5. 7. What's the most popular sport of the OL
  6. 9. the latest summer OL was held in...
  7. 11. Ancient ... was the first nation to hold the OL concept
  1. 2. The games but for disabled people
  2. 4. What was the rings colours illustrated off of?
  3. 5. Which city was held the 1900 OL
  4. 8. The city of the first OL
  5. 10. The ancient games were to honour who?
  6. 12. What was the first Olympic discipline