
  1. 1. what olympic is this
  2. 5. its like snowboarding but its in the ocean
  3. 6. lift heavy weights
  4. 8. you wear clothes that fully cover you and you have a sword
  5. 10. sport you play in a pool
  6. 11. hockey on ice
  7. 12. you need to be very flexible
  8. 16. you have one long net with a racket and a shuttlecock
  9. 17. you have a racket with a long net and a green ball
  10. 18. your inside with one long net and you need to hit with your hand
  11. 20. you need to get the white ball in a hole
  12. 22. its a team sport on a long boat and everyone has two paddles
  13. 23. you dive into a pool
  14. 24. goals in a swimming pool
  15. 25. a target and a bow
  1. 2. your on snow with one long board
  2. 3. you have a gun and a target
  3. 4. its like netball
  4. 5. your on snow with two skinny boards
  5. 7. like tennis but on a table
  6. 9. its like kickboxing
  7. 13. your in the ocean with this big boat that has this
  8. 14. like snowboarding but on concrete
  9. 15. sport played on the field but you can only use your feet
  10. 19. hockey on the field
  11. 21. your basically punching people