Olympics Crossword

  1. 1. One of the seasons for the Olympics
  2. 2. Who helps the athletes do their best
  3. 4. What is won during the Olympics
  4. 6. The top award for an event
  5. 8. What happens win you take the top award
  6. 9. The third best award for an event
  7. 10. The city where the Olympics began
  8. 12. The country that the Olympics were originally held in
  9. 13. What the runner carries during the opening
  10. 16. A place where some of the sports take place
  1. 1. A place where some of the sports take place
  2. 3. The second best award for an event
  3. 5. What atletes do
  4. 7. One of the seasons for the Olympics
  5. 11. What we call a particular sport
  6. 14. The name for the "the games"
  7. 15. The competitors