  1. 4. a woman who won the 400m running race
  2. 6. the people who particate in the Olympics
  3. 7. flame
  4. 8. the award that is given when you win
  5. 10. this reprents the 5 parts of the world
  6. 11. a game based from japan
  7. 12. the award given to the person whos comes second
  8. 15. the country that the ancient Olympics held
  9. 16. an Olympic bike race
  1. 1. the sport where horses can compete
  2. 2. the man who holds the world record for running
  3. 3. skiing appears in this type of Olympics
  4. 5. the award given to the last person who won
  5. 9. the award given to the first winner
  6. 13. a country the Olympics is happening 2016
  7. 14. the month that Olympics starts