  1. 2. What month does 2014 Winter Olympic in?
  2. 3. What city held the first Olympic Game?
  3. 5. What is the symbol of the Olympic?
  4. 7. Olympic Is football in Summer or Winter Olympic?
  5. 8. How many athletes competed for Israel in he 1994 Winter Olympic?
  6. 9. Who designed the Olympic flag?
  7. 11. Who was the Greek god honored by the Ancient Olympic?
  8. 12. What is the highest mountain in Greece?
  9. 14. What does 3rd medal make of?
  10. 17. What city held the 2010 Winter Olympic?
  11. 20. What group determined witch country hold the Olympic game?
  12. 21. What sport is played with stones and brooms?
  13. 23. What sport event involves all of the countries of the world?
  14. 24. What city held the second Olympic?
  1. 1. How many sports in 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic?
  2. 4. What was awarded to Olympic champion in ancient times?
  3. 6. What is the distance of the marathon race in the Olympic?
  4. 10. What alpine city hosted the Winter Olympic?
  5. 13. Who is the fastest person in Olympic racing?
  6. 15. How many year between Winter Olympic and Summer Olympic?
  7. 16. In which Olympic the women first took place?
  8. 18. What is the capital of Greek?
  9. 19. Which country won the championship of hockey in last Winter Olympic?
  10. 22. Where are the 2014 Winter Olympic take place?