- 4. A period of time when you do not work or study and do things for pleasure instead.
- 6. The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.
- 9. To hike or travel while carrying a backpack.
- 11. A prediction of weather conditions.
- 12. To journey on foot, especially to hike through mountainous areas.
- 15. The sport of sailing while standing on a sailboard.
- 18. Energetic action or movement; liveliness.
- 19. One who travels for pleasure.
- 20. To keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen.
- 1. An overland expedition, especially for viewing wildlife in eastern Africa.
- 2. A journey on a ship for pleasure, especially one that involves visiting a series of places.
- 3. A living being, especially an animal.
- 5. The cases and belongings of a traveler.
- 7. An area of land that is beautiful to look at.
- 8. The act or pastime of visiting sights of interest.
- 10. All living things (except people) that are undomesticated and live in wild.
- 13. It is when skin is red and sore from too much sun.
- 14. Someting is beneath (под) the surface of water.
- 16. To sit or lie in the sun so that your skin becomes darker.
- 17. A thing you can buy for your friends on holiday.