on holiday

  1. 2. For a plane or flying object, to descend from the air and get to The Earth
  2. 4. To get the solution to a problem
  3. 6. Three-dymensional work of art, as a figure carved in Stone, Wood, etc
  4. 8. Someone who kills unlawfully and deliberately
  5. 10. To grow in size, strenght or quality. To augment, to become greater
  6. 13. When you don't feel well. Sick, with fever
  7. 14. Place where buyers and sellers meet for the sale of goods and products
  8. 17. Rules, regulations decided by government or authority to apply to the people in a group
  9. 19. Theatrical or musical exhibition or performance
  10. 22. To go up a mountain or cliff.
  11. 25. Place with rides and attractions where adults and children go to have fun
  12. 27. To take pleasure in an experience. To have benefit and use with satisfaction
  13. 28. Formal or oficial examination, inspection or study about a particular subject
  14. 30. Useless material that you put in a container or bin. Litter
  15. 31. Someone who Works in a business or company
  16. 32. Excellent, great, marvelous
  17. 33. Musical instrument that produces percusion
  18. 34. Flat in the top (mountain/ cliff)
  19. 36. A piece of jewelry made of precios metals or stones for wearing around the neck
  20. 38. Right or left half, part, or area of a thing or a mountain or cliff
  21. 40. Activity in which players compete against other to amuse themselves
  22. 41. About, on all sides, circling, surrounding. Approximately
  23. 42. Money or salary paid for work
  1. 1. To move or take from a place or position. To eliminate
  2. 3. Wallet for putting clothes when you travel. Luggage
  3. 5. Place to sleep when camping
  4. 7. To get, obtain or take into one’s possession (something offered or delivered)
  5. 9. Long walk or march for pleasure or exercise, normally around nature
  6. 11. Tempestous part of a river or sea where the current is stronger
  7. 12. The state of being free or at liberty
  8. 15. To travel or pilot a ship trough water
  9. 16. Big "bag" to carry cothes in trips
  10. 18. Getting or having got success
  11. 20. Extreme part of a roll of tobacco where lips are put to smoke
  12. 21. Open area formed at the place where two or more streets meet.
  13. 23. Having beauty. Excellent, remarkable
  14. 24. Game or competition in which two or more teams opose each other
  15. 26. Hotel where normally young people sleep for little money
  16. 29. To fail to take a train, bus, etc.
  17. 35. To pay money. To pass time.
  18. 37. Mentally bright, having quick intelligence
  19. 39. To direct to someone in a loud voice. To communicate with someone by phone