  1. 1. Musicians who speak different languages can still play together because they all do this!
  2. 3. Makes perfect
  3. 6. The best pianists are the ones who look at this!
  4. 10. This animal can play eight next door notes at the same time!
  5. 11. I am black and white and very soft!
  6. 12. Because of Beethoven's loud music they had to put this into the pianos
  1. 2. A symphony is performed by one of these
  2. 4. Every piece you've learnt has one of these
  3. 5. I found a ready-made sandwich by the sea, what's my surname?
  4. 7. He wrote 9 symphonies but he was also normal and admired people who made this taste good!
  5. 8. It's impossible to play piano without these!
  6. 9. You need a lot of strength to play like this