One Crossword puzzle to rule them all

  1. 2. Hobbit, Guard of the citadel, Common name
  2. 5. Steward of Gondor
  3. 8. Last owner of the One Ring
  4. 10. Man of Lake-town, Dragon-shooter
  5. 11. Third Marshal of the Riddermark
  6. 13. Gardener of the Baggins
  7. 16. Great willow tree of the old forest close to the shire
  8. 18. King under the mountain, "Oakenshield"
  9. 21. Captain of Ithilien
  10. 22. First Dark Lord
  11. 23. Squire of Rohan, Hobbit
  12. 24. King of Rohan
  13. 25. Half-elf, brother of Elros
  14. 27. Disappeared on 111th birthday
  15. 28. Son of Gloin
  16. 29. Shapeshifter, Necromancer
  1. 1. Last King of Numenor
  2. 3. Wizard, Hobbit Friend
  3. 4. The Golden Dragon
  4. 6. Keeper of Fangorn
  5. 7. Lord of Orthanc
  6. 9. Prince of the woodland realm
  7. 11. Shield-Maiden
  8. 12. Wielder of Nenya
  9. 14. Lord of the nine
  10. 15. Favored son of Gondor
  11. 17. Last Dunedain king
  12. 19. Durin's Bane
  13. 20. Spawn of Ungoliant
  14. 21. Parents died in boating accident
  15. 24. Merry fellow with a blue jacket and yellow boots.
  16. 26. Maker of the Elven rings of power.